You don't need to pester your boss for a raise: here is what you can do instead

There are steps you can take to ensure that your request for a higher salary is valid. Photo: August de Richelieu/Pexels

There are steps you can take to ensure that your request for a higher salary is valid. Photo: August de Richelieu/Pexels

Published Oct 4, 2022


Are you suffocating under the weight of rising price hikes, soaring fuel prices, and the overall high cost of living with your salary simply not cutting it anymore? 

You may need to approach your employer and make your case for why you deserve a higher salary.

But where do you start? In most large companies, there is a lot of red tape around money matters, promotions, and hiring activity.

It may even take weeks or months just to get a response. Meanwhile, groceries will still be pricier with the roof over your head not paying for itself.

Here is what you should NOT do:

Instead, here is what you can do to ask to be compensated more:

Determine the typical salary for your position

You must be aware of the precise numbers you are seeking. To find out the typical salary for the kind of work you do, use websites like (a company that helps employees understand their worth in the labour market). This will make it clearer what pay raises you actually deserve.

Find out the company's financial situation

To start with, you must ascertain whether the company is still profitable. Have there been any job cuts? Have some of the budgets for other initiatives been cut?

If so, it might not be a good idea to move through with your request at this time. On the other hand, if the business is booming, go for it!

Have a strong performance record

If you have been performing above expectations at work, such as meeting monthly goals or exceeding expectations on projects, it will be much simpler to persuade your employer that you deserve a raise.

Your employer will be interested in hearing your justification for the increase. Have everything ready to go so that this process goes quickly and successfully.

Make sure you're ready

List all the reasons why you are deserving of the rise. These ought to be expert and accurate. So that you won't feel nervous or worried when you bring up the topic with your management, practise talking to them.

Pick the proper moment

Never approach your management if they are already working. Consider their workload while planning the optimum time to speak with them. If they have been under a lot of stress, this is not the greatest moment to contact them.

IOL Business