Free entry to Kirstenbosch for children 17 years and younger over school holidays

Kirstenbosch is an important botanical garden nestled at the eastern foot of Table Mountain in Cape Town. Various Winter Wonders workshops and events for young and old to enjoy will take place around the Garden, with exciting weekly prizes up for grabs. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency(ANA)

Kirstenbosch is an important botanical garden nestled at the eastern foot of Table Mountain in Cape Town. Various Winter Wonders workshops and events for young and old to enjoy will take place around the Garden, with exciting weekly prizes up for grabs. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Jun 23, 2023


Cape Town - Experience the Winter Wonders of Kirstenbosch over the upcoming school holidays.

From June 24 to July 17, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden will host its annual Winter Wonders special, where children 17 years and younger can enjoy free admission to the lush garden.

To add to the splendour of winter at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, various Winter Wonders workshops and events for young and old to enjoy will take place around the Garden, with exciting weekly prizes up for grabs.

Sarah Struys, events and tourism manager at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, said: “Winter Wonders is the perfect opportunity for families to explore the rich diversity of Africa’s most beautiful garden and learn about the incredible indigenous flora that calls it home.

“This is a truly magical time to visit and discover all the garden has to offer,” said Struys.

Make your Winter Wonders experience even more fun and arrive at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden on the City Sightseeing red bus with their special offer – two children can travel with one adult for just R49 per classic child ticket.

Cape Argus