Building a Global Community of Shared Future, Creating a Better World Together

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Published Sep 29, 2023


Li Zhigang

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s proposal to build a global community of shared future. Ten years ago, faced with the profound global, historical and epochal question of “what’s wrong with the world and what should we do about”, President Xi presented his broad strategic vision, excellent political wisdom and strong sense of mission as a leader of a major country and party.

He creatively proposed to build a global community of shared future, pointing out the correct direction for world development at a historical turning point, and facilitating strong consensus for international cooperation at a time of turmoil and chaos.

Recently, China’s State Council Information Office released a white paper titled “A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions”, which systematically elaborates the connotation and application of this concept. I believe this white paper will enable the international community to gain a better understanding of the significance of a global community of shared future and the ambitious goals of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

The concept of building a global community of shared future is full of wisdom and rooted in rich historical and cultural heritage.

In the fine traditional Chinese culture, the concept of nature is about “uniting human and universe”, the concept of international relations about “affinity between all people and peace among all nations”, the concept of civilization about “paramount importance of peace and seeking harmony without uniformity”;, and the concept of justice and interests about “justice being a priority”.

These concepts have formed the essence of a global community of shared future. The Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people to explore a Chinese path to modernisation, which has laid a solid foundation, provided historical laws and opened up broad prospects for a global community of shared future.

This concept demonstrates the magnificent history and fine traditions of the new China’s diplomacy, and embodies distinctive Chinese characteristics, style and ethos. It embraces all of human civilization’s outstanding achievements, transcends regions, cultures and beliefs, and reflects humankind’s universal aspirations and common voices.

The concept of building a global community of shared future emerges in response to the need of the times and the trend of history.

We are living in an era full of hope and challenges. In this era, only when the future of mankind is taken care of can the bright hopes of every country, every nation and every person be realised.

This new era calls for new concepts. The idea that “all strong countries will seek hegemony”, the obsession with superior strength, and the zero-sum mentality no longer meets the requirements of the times. A global community of shared future is a new concept that is in line with the features of the times and the trend of history.

In the face of global challenges such as the deficits in peace, development, security and governance, all countries should join hands to form a big family and build a global community of shared future. Only in this way can we tide over the difficulties and create a better future.

The path to a global community of shared future is clear and requires consensus and joint action.

Globalisation is an inevitable trend in the world economy, and a new type of globalisation is a prerequisite for a global community of shared future. All countries should make joint efforts for a more open, inclusive and integrated global economy, so that all peoples can share the fruits of globalisation and world economic growth.

China has always pursued an independent foreign policy of peace. We have continued to provide the world with new opportunities through our own new development, and inject stronger impetus into the cause of human peace and development. The world exists as a whole. All countries are interdependent on each other, and should work together to seek and protect peace, so as to share peace and realise development goals.

We should uphold the principles of mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation, to forge a new type of international relations, and achieve common ground and common development among different civilizations and countries with different social systems. To build a global community of shared future, it is necessary to practise true multilateralism, and enable all countries to engage in, contribute to and benefit from world peace and development.

We should respect each other and treat each other as equals, abandon arrogance and prejudice, and carry forward humanity’s common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom.

China is an active advocate and faithful practitioner of the concept of a global community of shared future. Over the past 10 years, under President Xi Jinping’s guidance and promotion, this concept has been gradually perfected, with fruitful diplomatic practices and expanding international consensus.

From bilateral to multilateral, from regional to global, China has built different forms of such community with dozens of countries and regions.

The Global Development Initiative (GDI) and Global Security Initiative (GSI) have received the unequivocal support of more than 100 countries, and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI) has been positively received by many countries soon after it was put forward.

Marching together through thick and thin, China and Africa have made efforts to build a China-Africa community of shared future in the new era, which is a new practice of a global community of shared future. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has commented that the China-Africa community of shared future is based on equality and oriented towards the people, and is therefore exemplary.

September 29 is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese festival. The full moon on this day signifies reunion and harmony, embodies the Chinese philosophy of “the whole world being one family”, and reflects the spirit of “harmony and coexistence” in a global community of shared future. We wish to work in solidarity with all other countries, including South Africa, to build a global community of shared future and an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity.

Li Zhigang, Chargé d’affaires of the Chinese Embassy in South Africa