Refurbishment, re-installation of shaft pump completed at Umgeni Water’s Durban Heights Water Works; emergency repairs to Aqueduct 4 progressing well

Refurbishment of Shaft Pump 1 completed on December 6 and re-installation of shaft pump completed on December 13. Picture: Umgeni Water

Refurbishment of Shaft Pump 1 completed on December 6 and re-installation of shaft pump completed on December 13. Picture: Umgeni Water

Published Dec 16, 2021


DURBAN - Umgeni Water said significant progress had been made to the shaft pump 1 which failed on November 11, at Umgeni Water’s Durban Heights Water Works, causing a shortfall in daily volumes of water being supplied to Durban Heights Water Works for treatment.

The concomitant effect has been reduced volumes of potable water that continue to be supplied to eThekwini Water and Sanitation, creating shortages in many areas of Durban.

Umgeni Water corporate stakeholder manager Shami Harichunder said significant progress had been made with the refurbishment of Shaft Pump 1, to the extent that the contractor completed this work on December 6, a week ahead of schedule. Re-installation of the shaft pump was completed on Monday, December 13.

“In the course of commissioning on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, a snag was detected which has somewhat delayed this process, but the schedule to switch on the shaft pump remains unchanged. It was discovered the leg of the shaft pump that makes it possible for water to be drawn was not turning. This may have been caused by a blockage,” Harichunder said.

“Technicians on site conducted an investigation immediately. Following this investigation, a decision was taken to remove the five columns in the pump in order to pinpoint precisely the source of the obstruction and remedy it. Once this task has been completed, the shaft pump will be re-assembled, allowing it to function at optimum.”

Harichunder said insofar as delivery of additional raw water to Durban Heights Water Works was concerned, that remained on schedule. In terms of timelines provided by the contractor, the shaft pump will begin conveying additional raw (water) for treatment and supply to eThekwini Water and Sanitation by Sunday, December 19.

He added that work was progressing well on emergency repairs to Aqueduct 4, one of four aqueducts that convey raw water from Nagle Dam to Durban Heights Water Works.

The aqueduct was taken out of use in June 2021 after a leak was detected in the vicinity of Clermont township in Durban. This was done as a mitigation against risk of possible damage to the environment and nearby homes.

“Work on Aqueduct 4 involves repairing the inner and external casing. The contractor has indicated that the repaired pipe will be ready by December 19. The original delivery date was December 17; two days were lost due to a protest on site by a business forum, who had misunderstood the nature of the project.”

“It is anticipated that this aqueduct will bring into Durban Heights Water Works an additional 100 megalitres. The completion date of work on Aqueduct 4 will coincide with the operation of Shaft Pump 1, creating a situation in which there will be adequate water resources available,” Harichunder said.

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