LETTER: Spare a thought for president Ramaphosa he has an immensely difficult task

President Cyril Ramaphosa Picture: Jairus Mmutle / GCIS

President Cyril Ramaphosa Picture: Jairus Mmutle / GCIS

Published May 21, 2020


Dear Mr President,

Thank you for your effort and leadership in these bewildering times.

Gratitude is also extended to ministers who articulate themselves in a manner that does not further confuse the nation.

Your task is difficult. You are trying to apply one set of rules to two different worlds. The inhabitants of world one live in homes, can easily practise social distancing, and have technology and money. The inhabitants of the other live in opposite circumstances.

You are faced with the culmination of the inability, through wilful greed, of the ruling party to address many evils. This pandemic has caught you and your party with your pants down and you are now trying to address the rot when you have no money. All the money grafted by greedy and corrupt officials is now sorely missed.

The hopes of the public prosecutions director of bringing the enemies of the people to courts have been dashed is she still around?

On Wednesday night (last week) you said much, but told us little.

You repeatedly thanked us for civil obedience, but giving us statistics and promising action against those who flaunt the lockdown rules are not what we need to hear. You failed to say you can't allow alcohol and cigarette sales, you can't allow people to walk in the park at 10 o’clock, you can't allow people to go back to work because you insist on applying rules relevant for one set of circumstances whereas we have two sets.

With world-class sanitation and health and safety criteria, people can work safely provided they get to work in a safe manner, wear masks and are tested. You cannot allow this because you cannot police the transport rules implemented.

You will face the nation later as you take on a lost economy where many entrepreneurs have lost businesses. The rumour is your party wants to destroy the economy so you can build a new one based on radical economic transformation. Your party is waiting for relief funds so they can feed from a new trough, and is trying to get rid of you.

Please let us know that these rumours are but perverted fantasy generated by ill-meaning people and that you categorically deny them.

Keep safe, Mr President.

May God bless South Africa.

George Cominos Durban

Daily News

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