Woman's unusual method of cutting her sandwich leaves people baffled

Woman's unusual method of cutting her bread sandwich leaves people baffled. Picture: u/Melly-The-Elephant/Reddit

Woman's unusual method of cutting her bread sandwich leaves people baffled. Picture: u/Melly-The-Elephant/Reddit

Published Jul 12, 2022


Be it breakfast, mid-day snacks, evening munchies, or even dinner, sandwiches can never disappoint you in any way.

Filled with healthy veggies and finger-licking sauces, there are many sandwich variants all around the world.

You can also easily customise this snack by experimenting with different ingredients and dressings. But what is the best way to cut it?

In all honesty, how you cut a sandwich is a deeply personal choice, usually paying attention from childhood when your mom would lovingly cut your cheese and ham sandwich into small triangles, being sure to remove the crusts.

Then there is the woman whose sandwich cutting technique is so surprising we cannot even begin to decode it.

In a photo shared on Reddit, the British foodie showed how she cuts her sandwich into six triangles with a diagonal slice one way and two the other.

In the post, she wrote: “Personally I believe this is the best way. Optional shapes and sizes, plus two extra pieces.”

The post has since garnered over a hundred comments since the time of publication, mostly from outraged or confused people. Not everyone was a fan of the senseless cutting technique, with many calling it "madness" while others wondered if the weather had made her "crazy".

One person commented: "What is this chaotic neutral monstrosity?"

Another added: "Has the heat got to you? What is this craziness?"

A third said: "To be fair, I could see this working if it was to accompany soup. Other than that, madness."

Later the woman returned to the post to explain that they started this technique about a year ago, and have been wanting to share their method with the people of Reddit.

“I make them like this to take to work. Smaller chunks mean I don’t have hamster cheeks if I have to communicate with people,” she wrote.

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