Oxygen shots: Hits of O2 are the latest wellness trend credited with boosting energy and slowing down ageing

Purified oxygen that has been mixed with various smells is the main ingredient of oxygen shots, which are widely available at casinos, nightclubs, and oxygen bars. Picture: Pexels

Purified oxygen that has been mixed with various smells is the main ingredient of oxygen shots, which are widely available at casinos, nightclubs, and oxygen bars. Picture: Pexels

Published Nov 2, 2022


Have you ever wondered why oxygen shots are so popular right now?

You are most definitely not the only one if you are interested in the hubbub, though!

Purified oxygen that has been mixed with various smells is the main ingredient of oxygen shots, which are widely available at casinos, nightclubs, and oxygen bars.

Worldwide, the opening of oxygen bars has seen an exponential rise in popularity in recent years. This is particularly true for nations like Canada and Japan, which have gone through an "oxygen shot craze."

Servings of oxygen shots come in glass cylinders with a plastic tube via which the gas is inhaled.

Normal air contains 21% oxygen, which is far less than the 95% level in oxygen shots; this is essentially where the "high" originates.

These shots' proponents assert that they reduce stress, increase energy, and treat headaches.

Shots contain extremely high concentrations of pure oxygen, which can be helpful for boosting mood, enhancing athletic performance, and improving focus and alertness.

Supporters of oxygen shots bolster their cases by asserting that doctors have long prescribed oxygen therapy for people with cancer, lung illnesses, and heart issues.

The long-term consequences of oxygen shots on the human body are still unclear despite these claims.

According to the American Lung Association, there is little possibility that oxygen shots will have any positive effects on a person's physiological health. However, there is little evidence to support the claim that these shots are harmful to health.

Supplemental oxygen is helpful for some medical disorders, but extremely high doses can be harmful to health.

According to a 2018 study in The Lancet, oxygen therapy administered excessively to patients with severe diseases can result in mortality.

Medical experts maintain that humans only need to breathe in an average of 21% of the oxygen they need to keep their blood saturated.

Therefore, any more oxygen that is breathed in won't be absorbed into our bloodstream and won't do us any good.

Additionally, aromatic oils or other oil-based scented liquids are bubbled through oxygen to infuse it with the smells utilised in oxygen shots. Artificial perfumes can be harmful to people's health and cause headaches or dizziness when inhaled through the air.

It's possible that the equipment used in bars to breathe in oxygen hasn't been adequately sterilised. You run a greater risk of contracting an infection due to the dirty equipment if you already have a lung illness. The lack of standardisation and hygiene of the equipment can potentially worsen your current medical conditions.

Not only should those with cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions refrain from obtaining oxygen shots, but so should those who have undergone chemotherapy.

Very high oxygen levels can be dangerous for you if you've previously taken chemotherapy. Even if you are generally healthy, having oxygen shots frequently put your lungs at risk of damage.

If you truly enjoy taking oxygen shots and don't want to stop, we advise reducing how frequently you do it.

The effects of oxygen, which might include feelings of exhilaration, an increase in energy, and a reduction in stress, are only momentary but can harm the lungs permanently.

No amount of recreation should get in the way of you and your health because it is so vital to you. So be careful because even though a small party didn't result in any fatalities, attending lots of parties could be problematic.

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