Advice for parents with children in matric

The Grade 12 final exam is not only a stressful period for the matric pupil only, but for parents and entire household. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.

The Grade 12 final exam is not only a stressful period for the matric pupil only, but for parents and entire household. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.

Published Nov 13, 2020


The Grade 12 final exam is not only a stressful period for the matric pupil only, but for parents and their household.

The added pressure brought on by the coronavirus pandemic is also not helping considering that it had set back pupils by costing them four months of their academic year.

To help ease the pressure here are tips for parents on how to deal with their children’s final year of schooling.

Be understanding

The Class of 2020’s matric year is different from any other year. They have not only lost fundamental teaching and learning time but the pressure caused by the pandemic is also draining so be more understanding of how they will be.

Affirm and encourage your child

The child needs a lot of encouragement at this time. Acknowledge when they do good. People thrive when their strengths are highlighted.This will boost their confidence and enable an “I can do it attitude”.

Manage your expectations

Keep your expectations about this particular child’s matric year and outcomes realistic and make adjustments if they are not. Try not to also voice your expectations out loud, especially during this exam time. You do not want to put the child under further pressure which could lead to depression.


Encourage your child to take breaks between studies. Assist them in making sure they have a balanced meal and snacks.

Know your child’s study timetable

Be aware of what your child is writing and when. This is to help give added support and also monitor whether the child is sticking to his/her schedule.

Manage your own anxiety

You can only offer support or strength when you are strengthened yourself. You have to be in a good space for your child to feed off your energy. Take time to practice relaxation techniques such as mindfulness to manage your own anxiety.

Ask for help

If you are not coping or if you don’t have the answers to questions your child might have, ask.

The school, your family, your friends and your community can be of assistance to you.

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