Matrics tackle Physical Science, Technical Sciences

Grade 12s who are writing National Senior Certificate examinations will be tested on their knowledge in Physical Sciences and Technical Sciences on Monday. Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Grade 12s who are writing National Senior Certificate examinations will be tested on their knowledge in Physical Sciences and Technical Sciences on Monday. Photo by Artem Podrez from Pexels

Published Nov 23, 2020


Grade 12s who are writing National Senior Certificate examinations will be tested on Physical Sciences and Technical Sciences on Monday.

To kick start the fourth week of their final exams, matrics will sit at 9am to write Physical Science (Chemistry) Paper 2 which is a three-hour exam.

Simultaneously another group of matrics will be writing Techical Sciences Paper 2, which is also a three-hour long examination.

While at 2pm, matrics will be sitting for more language exams.

They will be writing Arabic, French, Mandarin, Greek, Serbian, and Spanish Paper 2 Second Additional Language, a two hour exam. The Latin Paper 2 Second Additional Language exam will be just an 90 minutes long.

Portuguese Home Langauge and First Additional Language Paper 2 are also scheduled to be written with a two hour duration.

Final exams started on November 5 and is expected to end on December 15.

The delay in exams follows the national lockdown brought forward by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Due to the lockdown, imposed in March, grade 12s lost over four months of class time. This will also have a ripple effect on the late release of the matric results which is scheduled to be released on February 23.

Universities have already indicated that they would issue acceptance letters a week later.

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