China’s Medical Peace Ark Sails to Cape Town: A Global Cooperation Milestone

The Chinese naval hospital ship arrived in Port of Cape Town to give the Mother City some tender loving care. Daishan Dao is a Type 920 hospital ship of the People's Liberation Army Navy of the People's Republic of China. Daishan Dao is also known as Peace Ark during peacetime, and has received NATO reporting name Anwei class. Picture: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

The Chinese naval hospital ship arrived in Port of Cape Town to give the Mother City some tender loving care. Daishan Dao is a Type 920 hospital ship of the People's Liberation Army Navy of the People's Republic of China. Daishan Dao is also known as Peace Ark during peacetime, and has received NATO reporting name Anwei class. Picture: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

Published Aug 28, 2024


By Michael Andisile Mayalo

“The Peace Ark embodies the spirit of China’s humanitarianism and our commitment to promoting peace and development across the world.” — President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China

As a young South African who had the unique opportunity to study and conduct research in Beijing, I had a first-hand view of China’s evolving role on the global stage. My time in the capital city allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of China’s international ambitions and its growing commitment to humanitarian efforts. One of the most striking examples of this commitment is the Peace Ark, the Chinese Navy’s hospital ship, which is currently visiting Cape Town as part of its Mission Harmony-2024.

The Peace Ark’s arrival in Cape Town this week represents a significant moment in the ongoing narrative of international collaboration and humanitarian assistance. This initiative transcends the provision of medical services; it reflects a growing global partnership where nations work together to tackle common challenges. The ship’s visit is a tangible manifestation of a larger strategy, where soft power and humanitarian aid are employed to strengthen international relations and promote mutual understanding.

The Peace Ark is more than just a floating hospital; it is a symbol of solidarity and mutual aid between nations. Commissioned in 2008, the ship’s voyages have become a testament to China’s dedication to contributing positively to global health and fostering goodwill. Its mission aligns with a broader trend in international diplomacy, where countries leverage non-military tools to enhance their global standing and forge stronger ties with other nations.

During my research in Beijing, I observed the strategic importance China places on international relations and soft power. The Peace Ark is a prime example of this strategy in action. By projecting influence through humanitarian means rather than military force, China demonstrates its commitment to global health and cooperative engagement. This approach not only advances China's diplomatic objectives but also reflects a growing preference for leveraging non-military tools to build global partnerships and address shared challenges.

For South Africa, the Peace Ark’s visit is particularly significant. As a nation grappling with health challenges and disparities, the arrival of a state-of-the-art medical vessel offering free services is a beacon of hope. The ship’s mission to provide medical aid to under-served communities aligns with South Africa’s values of compassion and mutual support. In regions where healthcare infrastructure is limited, the Peace Ark’s presence offers an invaluable opportunity for comprehensive medical care that might otherwise be inaccessible.

The visit of the Peace Ark to Cape Town underscores the importance of global cooperation in addressing health crises. In an era where pandemics and health emergencies can rapidly cross borders, collaborative efforts like those exemplified by the Peace Ark are crucial. The ship’s work highlights the necessity of nations coming together to share resources, knowledge, and expertise in the fight against common health challenges. By providing advanced medical services to those in need, the Peace Ark serves as a reminder of the potential for international cooperation to make a meaningful impact.

Peace Ark is equipped with advanced medical facilities, including 16 departments, eight operating rooms, more than 300 beds and an onboard medical rescue helicopter. It also boasts several blood banks, examination rooms and various diagnostic and treatment facilities. Picture: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

Furthermore, the Peace Ark’s visit exemplifies a broader trend in international relations, where humanitarian aid and collaborative projects are used to strengthen diplomatic ties and foster mutual understanding. This approach is part of a reimagined global order, where soft power plays a central role in enhancing global connectivity and support. For many South Africans, especially those in under-served areas, the medical services provided by the Peace Ark are a rare and significant opportunity for care that they might not otherwise receive.

From a global perspective, China’s efforts through the Peace Ark contribute to a redefined international landscape where humanitarian aid is a key component of diplomatic strategy. This model emphasizes the importance of using resources and capabilities to address the needs of vulnerable populations while fostering a more interconnected and supportive global community. It is a model that other nations might consider emulating, especially in addressing the needs of the most under-served and vulnerable.

The Peace Ark’s visit to Cape Town also offers insights into the evolving nature of international relations. It highlights how nations are increasingly using humanitarian initiatives to build bridges and strengthen global solidarity. The ship’s mission serves as a powerful example of how international cooperation can be harnessed to address common challenges and improve lives across borders. For South Africa and the broader international community, the Peace Ark’s visit is not just an event to be celebrated but a model for future collaboration and collective action.

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) in partnership with the People’s Liberation Army Navy of the People’s Republic of China will conduct a joint national and an interdepartmental humanitarian exercise called Exercise HARMONY in Cape Town, Western Cape. Picture: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

In conclusion, the Peace Ark’s visit to Cape Town is a significant event that underscores the potential for international cooperation and humanitarianism to address global challenges. It provides a glimpse into how global powers can work together to make a positive impact on the world stage. For South Africa, the Peace Ark’s mission is a testament to the importance of global solidarity and collaborative efforts in improving health outcomes and building stronger international relationships. As a young South African, I view this initiative as a powerful example of how nations can contribute to a more compassionate and interconnected world. The ship’s journey exemplifies the potential for nations to work together in pursuit of shared goals, fostering a spirit of global cooperation and mutual support.

* Michael Mayalo is CEO of Tranquility Group International, an analyst and commentator.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.