Global media opportunities in opening China's reform in the new era

Ayanda Holo is the president of TV BRICS AFRICA. Picture: Supplied

Ayanda Holo is the president of TV BRICS AFRICA. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 26, 2024


By Ayanda Holo

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, we gather at a pivotal moment in history, the dawn of a new era of global opportunities. This era, marked by China's continued reform and opening, presents unparalleled possibilities for fostering a multipolar world that thrives on fairness, justice, and the collective prosperity of all its people. The Global South, with its rich diversity and unique perspectives, plays a crucial role in shaping this multipolar world.

The significance of media in this transformative period cannot be overstated. Media shapes narratives, influences perceptions, and can be a powerful catalyst for change. President Xi Jinping often emphasises, "Reform and opening up, China's second revolution, has not only profoundly changed China but also profoundly influenced the world!" To realise this, we must harness the power of media to amplify the voices of the Global South and ensure that the stories of the Majority World are told with authenticity and respect, reflecting the true aspirations of the people.

As outlined in the recent Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, Chinese-style modernization is advancing through reform and opening up. This approach adheres to the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China, emphasises a people-centred approach, and promotes innovation and institutional construction. It embodies principles that condense China's wisdom and valuable experience, offering new opportunities and injecting new momentum for global development.

In the words of President Vladimir Putin, "We need to move towards a multipolar world that respects and acknowledges the diversity of nations." Media from the Global South must rise to the challenge by sharing valuable norms and values that prioritise the people of these regions. This entails more than just representation; it requires a fundamental shift in how stories are crafted and shared.

Africa, with its rich and diverse civilisation, stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of its people. Africa's critical minerals, found in its vast geology, are not just resources; they symbolise the continent's invaluable contribution to the civilisation of humankind. These minerals, coupled with Africans' intellectual prowess and innovative thinking, play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

President Cyril Ramaphosa frequently emphasises, "Africa's future is not only in its resources but in its people, whose thinking abilities and innovative spirit will drive global progress." This is a powerful reminder of the potential of the Global South to shape the future.

TV BRICS AFRICA is at the forefront of this movement. In partnership with institutions from BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—we are creating a platform where diverse voices can converge and collective ideas can flourish. This partnership embodies the essence of unity in diversity, a principle that President Ramaphosa frequently advocates. By leveraging our shared strengths, we can present a balanced narrative that reflects the true aspirations of our people, fostering a sense of inclusivity in our global narrative.

President Lula da Silva of Brazil often speaks of "solidarity and cooperation" as the bedrock of progress. To this end, Global South media must take practical steps to own our stories, technologies, and satellites. This ownership ensures that we control the dissemination of our narratives, free from external biases and influences. It is a call to action for media entities to invest in cutting-edge technologies, develop indigenous content, and build robust infrastructure that supports independent broadcasting, instilling a sense of responsibility in shaping our own narratives.

As President Narendra Modi articulates, "The time has come for us to think collectively and act decisively." We must forge a path where the voices of the Global South resonate globally, influencing policies and shaping the future. This requires a concerted effort to nurture talent, promote journalistic integrity, and create platforms that facilitate dialogue and exchange.

China Media Group has been a trailblazer in this mission, actively telling the story of China's reform and modernization. We have launched numerous excellent works like "Navigation," "Journey," "New Form of Human Civilization - Chinese Modernization," and "Chinese Modernization in Thousands of Atmospheres," showcasing the vitality and practice of Chinese modernization. We promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations through initiatives like the Global Media Innovation Forum and the "Spring China" Global Media Dialogue.

Africa's contribution to human civilization goes beyond minerals. Africans' intellectual and cultural contributions have shaped and enriched the global heritage. Ngugi wa Thiong'o, a prominent African writer and thinker, reminds us that "language and culture are the keys to people's identity and self-understanding." By embracing our languages and cultures, we can tell our own stories and ensure that they are heard and respected globally.

The work of the liberation movements, always against the domination of one another, and the liberation of the People of the South remains a beacon of hope and resilience. The non-aligned movement, advocating for independence and mutual respect, has laid the groundwork for today's push towards a multipolar world. As we reflect on the contributions of these movements, we are reminded of our responsibility to continue their legacy of justice, equality, and cooperation.

In villages across China, where poverty once prevailed, community leaders have shown that with determination, innovation, and support, transformation is possible. Their success stories offer valuable lessons for the Global South. These leaders embody the self-reliance and community-driven development spirit that we must champion and replicate across our regions.

In conclusion, the opening of China's reform in this new era is more than an economic opportunity; it is a chance to redefine global media dynamics. We can create a just and fair world for all by embracing our collective strengths. Let us unite, invest in our capabilities, and tell our stories with the conviction and clarity they deserve. Together, we can shape a future inclusive, equitable, and reflective of our shared humanity.

Thank you.

*Ayanda Holo is the president of TV BRICS AFRICA