"Our New Era - Cities Vitality" Photography Exhibition was successfully held in Cape Town, South Africa, building friendship bridge through art

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Published Jan 20, 2024


Exchanges make civilizations colorful, and mutual learning makes them prosper. On January 18, 2024, at the invitation of the Photographic Society of South Africa, "Our New Era - Cities · Vitality" Photography Exhibition, hosted by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and organized by Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, was unveiled in Cape Town, South Africa.

A seven-member Chinese Photography Delegation, including Mr. Liang Yu, Chairman of Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Ms. Su Fangfang, Director of the Asia Division of the International Department of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, together with Mr.You Wenze, Chinese Consul General to Cape Town,

Cllr M Nqavashe,Chairperson of the Cape Town Portfolio Committee: Safety and Security , Lynne Kruger-Haye, Chairperson of the Western Cape Photographic Forum, representatives from the Cape Town Municipal Government, institutions, Cape Town Chinese communities and the media attended the ceremony.

A total of 60 exhibits are displayed in this exhibition, which are full of vitality and power. With distinctive images, and through the framing and screening of details of the cityscape by different photographers, these artworks present the achievements of China's reform and opening-up, depict the progress of urban construction, showcase the beautiful changes of urban life, and reflect harmony, inclusiveness through the open, inclusive and transcendent features of the photographic art. These masterpieces of light and shadow present the wonderful stories of China and Shenzhen, and triggered strong resonance among the audience.

After the opening ceremony, the Chinese photography delegation had cordial exchanges with Consul General You Wenze, and both agreed that the success of this exhibition has enhanced mutual friendship and promoted the common progress of China and South Africa through exchanges and mutual learning.

Liang Yu said, we hope through this exhibition artistic exchanges between China and South Africa, as well as between Shenzhen and Cape Town would be promoted, and that this would serve as a link to promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries and two cities in more fields such as economy and trade, investment promotion, science and technology, education and so on.

"I hope that the two places will be in close contact, and artists from both sides will carry out lectures, create works, and organize exhibitions. Extend the reciprocal visits from photography to art, calligraphy and other art disciplines, plan and organize the Cape Town-Shenzhen Art Festival, to build a friendship bridge through art."

You Wenze said, President Xi Jinping emphasized the need to tell China's stories well, and Shenzhen's forty years of development and change is the most vivid portrayal of China's reform and opening-up, as well as China’s development. Photography can frame historical moments and truly reflect the development of Shenzhen. This exhibition is a very good occasion for exchange, and a concrete embodiment of the implementation of President Xi's important instructions.

China and South Africa are comprehensive strategic partners. Over the past 26 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, especially since the introduction of the "Belt and Road Initiative", as well as the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and other mechanisms, the two countries have deepened exchanges and cooperation.

"Our New Era - Cities · Vitality" Photography Exhibition will be held From January 17 to 21, 2024.