When the weather is a vibe

People and Planet are both in danger and when on the path to adaptation, we cannot view them separately.

People and Planet are both in danger and when on the path to adaptation, we cannot view them separately.

Published Nov 10, 2022


“Ah yes, weather is a great conversation starter and is often the catalyst to many of our decisions without us thinking about it.” Quote by Megan Firth

Think about how many decisions you’ve made in the past week regarding weather. When to do your laundry, when to dash out to the store, where to park or choosing the right clothing for your trip?

Lately, despite our constant planning around the weather, we find that we are just never prepared enough. This is due to Climate Change - and it isn’t going away.

All life is affected by climate change. More frequently, we witness severe climate extreme events, which have pervasive impacts to infrastructure and eco systems. What is most concerning is that Climate Change will affect agriculture and therefore affect our diets and ultimately our health.

People and Planet are both in danger and when on the path to adaptation, we cannot view them separately.

This is where Producer and Owner of Mediafix, Megan Firth, has embarked on a journey to make a difference through Media. One such milestone is Weather Vibes, a magazine style television series that aims to start invigorating conversations.

“I created the show to start meaningful dialogue that would inspire humans to think regularly about how their actions affect the planet and how it circles back to them” says Firth. “Not many content creators grasped the concept when I first told them I was creating my own inspirational, entertainment content centred around weather, travel, innovation and business but I have seen interesting adaptations to shows since then. This is due to the fact that our show doesn’t address weather and climate change in the conventional way but is underpinned by Adventure, Tourism, Innovation and Business. Future seasons are including Agriculture and Environmental stories. My strategic intent is to contribute positively towards a resilient society by creating opportunities for information sharing. Access to information is key. Next is to provide a platform to create visibility of commitments that evolve into actions that can be measured, without losing the entertainment factor”

She goes on to say : “There is evidence that Climate Change Communication (CCC) has been growing globally since 1990. Compare this to nascent publications in Africa evidenced only for the last decade. This directly translates into a measure of how prepared the world is for Climate Change in comparison to Africa. While our first season explored only the Eastern Cape, we intensely focused at the coastal region and many lessons around the environment and climate were learnt. We were supported by the Eastern Cape Development Corporation and the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency which allowed us to invest back into the province. We have started producing future seasons, where we traverse the other provinces and we cross borders into Africa with a keen focus at SADC countries. We are excited to create opportunities for locals while sharing information with the world”

Megan Firth, dark horse, is a Producer of entertaining climate conscious content. By day she advocates strategic marketing and sells advertising with a keen focus at Digital integration. By night she researches how Weather Vibes can influence lives positively. She remains behind the cameras for now but keep watching this space as she will be doing a reveal in the near future.

For more info on Weather Vibes you can follow them on YouTube at Weathervibes_za

For those of you who missed the series that broadcasted across DSTV and Open View, you can watch the full series on YouTube.