Tests clear Top Score Instant Porridge safe for consumption following product recall

Top Score Instant Porridge is safe for consumption. File image

Top Score Instant Porridge is safe for consumption. File image

Published Oct 10, 2024


Top Score Instant Porridge is safe for consumption. This has been confirmed by a series of independent tests following reports that three Eastern Cape children died after consuming the porridge.

In a media statement, Top Score Instant Porridge producer, Namib Mills, said even though there was no evidence linking its product to this isolated incident, it took this step to ensure consumer safety and confidence.

"We also sent our products for rigorous testing to an independent, SANAS-accredited laboratory in South Africa. SANAS accreditation certificates are a formal recognition by the Government of South Africa that an organisation is competent to perform specific tasks.

“The results confirm that Top Score Instant Porridge is safe for consumption. This testing encompassed not only the specific batch in question but also multiple batches across different flavours and production dates, to further reassure consumers and stakeholders that our product poses no health risk and complies with the highest standards in food safety," said senior brand manager, Marné Bouwer

Picture: Namib Mill

Picture: Namib Mill

"The test results confirm that our product batches across all flavours are free from harmful contaminants and comply with the highest standards of food safety. Top Score Instant Porridge is entirely safe for human consumption," Bouwer said.

She added further advised consumers to always check the expiration date on the label when purchasing products.

"We will continue to provide updates on any relevant information related to this matter. Namib Mills encourages everyone to follow our official social media channels and visit our website for the latest information," Bouwer said.

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