Trump accuses Jewish Democrats of 'great disloyalty'

Published Aug 22, 2019


President Donald Trump beat back

criticism of his comments accusing American Jews who vote for

Democrats of "great disloyalty" and went a step further on

Wednesday, saying any vote for a Democrat is a vote against


"I think that if you vote for a Democrat you are very, very

disloyal to Israel and to the Jewish people," Trump told

reporters as he left the White House.

The Republican president drew outrage on Tuesday from

Democratic presidential candidates and U.S. Jewish groups after

accusing American Jews who vote for Democrats of "great


Critics said Trump's comments echoed an anti-Semitic trope

accusing American Jews of dual loyalties to the United States

and Israel.

Trump initially responded on Twitter on Wednesday by quoting

a conservative columnist as saying American Jews "don't know

what they're doing." The Republican president thanked the

commentator, Wayne Allyn Root, who likened Trump to the "king of

Israel" and said Israelis "love him like he is the second coming

of God."

The comments about Israel followed Trump's attacks on a

group of first-term Democrats in Congress, U.S. Representatives

Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who were denied entry to Israel

last week after Trump pressured the government.

"Where has the Democratic Party gone? Where have they gone

where they're defending these two people over the state of

Israel? And I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat,

I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great

disloyalty," Trump said on Tuesday, without specifying what or

who they were being disloyal to.

Those remarks sparked a swift backlash.

"My message to Trump: I am a proud Jewish person and I have

no concerns about voting Democratic," Senator Bernie Sanders, a

leader in the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential

nomination and an independent, wrote in a Twitter post late on


Former Vice President Joe Biden, the current front-runner to

challenge Trump in November 2020, called the president's

comments "insulting and inexcusable" and urged him to stop

dividing Americans.

"The Jewish people don't need to prove their loyalty to you,

@realDonaldTrump - or to anyone else," said Democratic candidate

Beto O'Rourke, a former U.S. congressman from Texas who has

called Trump a racist over his immigration rhetoric.

American Jews lean Democratic. Roughly 70 percent of

American Jews have typically supported Democratic candidates in

recent U.S. presidential elections.

J Street, a liberal lobbying group based in Washington, was

among the many U.S. Jewish organizations that expressed outrage

or alarm at Trump's comments.

"It is dangerous and shameful for President Trump to attack

the large majority of the American Jewish community as

unintelligent and 'disloyal,'" the group said on Tuesday.

Said Anti-Defamation League leader Jonathan Greenblatt,

"It's unclear who @POTUS is claiming Jews would be 'disloyal'

to, but charges of disloyalty have long been used to attack


The American Jewish Committee called Trump's comments

"shockingly divisive."

"American Jews – like all Americans – have a range of

political views and policy priorities. His assessment of their

knowledge or ‘loyalty,’ based on their party preference, is

inappropriate, unwelcome, and downright dangerous," said

committee Chief Executive David Harris.

The Republican Jewish Committee sided with Trump, saying,

"President Trump is right, it shows a great deal of disloyalty

to oneself to defend a party that protects/emboldens people that

hate you for your religion."

Trump is popular in Israel. He delighted many Israelis -

while appalling other world powers - by recognizing Jerusalem as

their capital, moving the U.S. Embassy there, withdrawing from

the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and recognizing Israeli sovereignty

over the occupied Golan Heights.

The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which has

particularly close ties with the Trump administration, declined

to comment on his remarks.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin wrote on Twitter that he had

spoken with House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the

top U.S. elected Democrat, about strong U.S.-Israel relations he

said were "not dependent on the links with either party."

Trump has for weeks been attacking Tlaib and Omar, accusing

them of hostility to Israel and anti-Semitism. He repeated his

attacks on Tlaib on Wednesday, accusing her on Twitter of

wanting to cut off aid to Israel, a U.S. ally that has long

enjoyed bipartisan support.

In February, Omar, who along with Tlaib supports a boycott

of Israel over its policies toward the Palestinians, said U.S.

Jews have divided loyalties. She apologized for those remarks

after being widely condemned by many in her own party.

Most Democrats disagree with Tlaib and Omar's views on

Israel, but Trump's attacks on them have rallied support for the

two within their party.


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