HERITAGE Stories: Romona Reddy

Published Sep 26, 2020


Our heritage – the way we grow up and the homes that we live in – often influence the property decisions we make in our futures. Things we loved about our childhood and family homes will probably be carried through into our own homes and families one day, while those we did not enjoy will be avoided. We asked

Romona Reddy, Property Consultant at Jawitz Properties Eshowe, KZN

how her home and ideas about property have been influenced by her heritage and how she honours her roots in her adult life.

What lessons have you learned about property from your parents/ grandparents?

One thing I have learned from my parents’ journey is that it’s important to take risks in life, especially when it comes to property investments. They did not have much when they started out over 35 years ago and initially rented a small one-bedroom house before eventually buying their first property which was nothing fancy.

They sold this a few years later and purchased a house from the municipality. They worked hard to renovate the property and with three children in a two-bedroom house, things were rather tight but they extended and provided us with a comfortably-sized home.

A few years later, they purchased a plot, sold their car and used the funds to build their first big dream home. They now own seven properties in Eshowe. Through this I have learned to not just sit and wait to inherit property.

If you have the means to start now, to work hard, and to take risks, then don’t wait to reap the rewards of your parents’ hard work. My parents also taught me that it is important that our family always has a roof over our heads, regardless of how big, small, plain or fancy the property is.

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How has your family home influenced the type of property you live in or want to live in?

My parents always tried to keep up to date with the latest trends, ensured their home was comfortable for their children and, very importantly, it was always well-maintained. They also chose properties with a granny cottage, which they rented out most of the time for extra income.

This has influenced me to purchase property that would be a good investment long-term. Through that, and being an estate agent, I bought my first home that consisted of a main house with two cottages on it. It is spacious, like the one my parents built, modern and well-secured, but I had to have a pool because we never had one growing up.

We always said as kids that’s the first thing we would look at when purchasing our own properties. I have also built a smaller home that I lease out, and have purchased and re-sold a few small affordable properties. These are definitely traits I picked up from my parents over the years.

Have you inherited anything from your family home?

My mom bought a unique solid wood dining room set which has legs made of wagon wheels. It is absolutely beautiful with a gorgeous finish. She still has it and it’s the one thing I have always loved in our family home. She has always promised that it will be my wedding present because I love it so much. I will remind her again when I do get married.

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