How to evolve use of offices in changing times

Published Sep 1, 2020


This will see this property type remaining relevant in the “new normal” working world, says Galetti’s John Jack. To do this, remote space and office space must be viewed as separate entities with their own functions.

Office space should be focused on collaboration while remote space needs, to be set up to optimise individual productivity and output.

He offers tips on how to do this:

- Reduce office space as needed, but don’t do away with it entirely. This may mean sharing space with other like-minded businesses, for example, sub-letting.

- Consider renting your employees a desk or an office in a co-working space close to their homes. These are often more flexible and affordable than traditional office leases and encourage collaboration.

- Ensure that you invest significantly in your digital infrastructure.

- Constantly reassess the performance of your employees to see what is working and what isn’t.

- Above all, be flexible and understand that these are unprecedented times. “While this pandemic will certainly prompt all companies to rethink their ways of working, office space is here to stay. It exists with purpose but like everything else, needs to evolve,” Jack says.

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