It’s a new world and people are more willing to explore - Editor's letter

Published Feb 6, 2021


“This is the year that I am going to buy property.”

This seems to be the mantra of many renters who want to take advantage of low-interest rates – and certainly of those who have managed to hold on to their jobs and can easily get a bond to buy a house.

And many people are happy to readjust their expectations as to where they will live. A mere two years ago, in cities such as Cape Town, living in the CBD or close to it put a huge premium on the price of a home because they avoided the traffic to get to and from work daily.

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Now people are happier to venture into the suburbs or further away from the centre.

Some, such as those in Bonny Fourie’s stories in this week’s magazine, are willing to go way out of their comfort zones and buy in the countryside.

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For some, it’s the best retirement plan – selling a home in the city and being able to buy a house in the country for cash. Added to that, things tend to be cheaper in smaller towns.

People are more willing to explore than they were a few years back. It’s a new world – and we are expanding in our lives as to what we will and won’t do when it comes to living arrangements.

Warm regards

Vivian Warby

[email protected]

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