Q: Why is it important to choose a facility with a frail-care centre if I am not at that stage?

Published Oct 25, 2020


Why could I not just move to a frail-care facility when I need it?

A:Our preferred model is home-based care. Moving to a frail-care facility when one needs it is always an option.

– Phil Barker, managing director of Renishaw Hills

A:A care centre is not an absolute requirement for a retirement village, but if there isn’t one, a viable alternative like good home-based care must be available.

The village should have an arrangement with a local frail-care centre for when you may require care due to mental or physical circumstances that make care at home either impossible or too expensive. We should not move to retirement villages only when we need them – it is preferable to form a social group within the village before you are frail so that you have friends and acquaintances nearby in old age.

– Rob Jones, retirement-living consultant to The Somerset Lifestyle and Retirement Village

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