Staying on top in tough times

Published Jun 15, 2020


Dormehl Pinetown wishes to thank its loyal clients for their support over the past year – support which has once again helped them to glory in the group’s annual awards ceremony.

Although the traditional event in April had to be cancelled due to lockdown, the awards were still bestowed upon worthy recipients by the Dormehl Phalane Property Group directors. This year, Dormehl Pinetown, which opened its doors in March 2009, scooped the award for the Top Agent of the Year, won by Brendon Bosch.

Candidates in the running for this category are evaluated on the number of sales they have achieved, the amount of commission earned, sold mandates sold and referrals received and sold, says franchise director Kevin Delport. The franchise is no stranger to winning titles, though, and has walked away with the Residential Franchise of the Year for the past 11 years, as well as Franchise of the Year for 10 of the past 11 years.

Other annual award categories include Sole Mandates Sold and Referrals Sold. Success is not always easy to attain and if it is to be achieved it takes dedication, determination and hard work.

In the current real estate climate this is especially true. While navigating the Covid-19 market and its associated challenges, Delport advises agents to “stay focused”. The territory might be uncharted, and the future unknown, but remaining focused is key to not only surviving it, but thriving.

Brendon Bosch of Dormehl Pinetown named Top Agent of the Year

Brendon Bosch of Dormehl Pinetown won the Top Agent Award at the group’s annual

awards. Picture: Facebook

Q: How long have you been an

estate agent and what attracted you

to this career?


I have been working in the

real estate industry since 2003.

My family was involved in real

estate so it was just a natural

move for me.

Q: How has the industry changed

from what it was when you started

and how it is now? And what has

been the biggest lesson you have



The biggest change has been

the way in which we advertise

our properties. Online and social

media is used more frequently

by clients looking for properties

and so we, as agents, have had

to learn to incorporate these

technologies in our everyday


The biggest lesson, for me,

has been how to look after my

clients in a way that delivers both

high levels of service

and garners trust, as well as

remaining humble.

Q: How tough has it been to work

during the lockdown and even under

the current level 3 conditions?


It has been very difficult

working online, and relying solely

on computers since the lockdown,

but buyers are being attracted by

the lowered interest rates. Selling

property, though, has also been

difficult as sellers do not want

clients walking through their

homes due to the threat of


Q: What does it take to be a

successful/top agent in the current

economic climate?


Without a doubt you have

to be a go-getter and you have

to be willing to make changes.

You cannot sit back and wait for

things to fall into place – you

need to make things work. Your

heart has to be in your work and

you have to stay focused. Support

from your colleagues is also very


Q: What advice do you have for

other agents during this difficult

time as well as over the next few



The only advice I can offer at

this stage is to just stay focused

and continue doing the best you

can for your clients. There will

be cases where sales fall through

but you must not let that get you

down. Don’t chase the money,

rather look for the opportunities.

Even if you find only one

opportunity every day that is a

100% increase on what you had

at the start of the day.

Focusing on the positives and

not all the negativity that is going

on around you is what will not

only keep you going but build

you up.

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