7 hilarious memes about Elon Musk's Twitter buyout

Funny memes are emerging following Elon Musk’s buyout of Twitter. This one from @tomato31Dec makes reference to the time the tech entrepreneur smoked marijuana live on the web during a podcast with comedian Joe Rogan.

Funny memes are emerging following Elon Musk’s buyout of Twitter. This one from @tomato31Dec makes reference to the time the tech entrepreneur smoked marijuana live on the web during a podcast with comedian Joe Rogan.

Published Apr 26, 2022


Johannesburg - As with any major news event, jokers have come out in full force providing comedic antics around Elon Musk's purchase of the Twitter social network.

Musk's acquisition of the platform has been layered by various elements, from his loan-securing with Morgan Stanley Senior Funding to the platform's changes after a barrage of recent tweets by the new Twitter owner leading up to the transaction.

No component of the deal was safe at the hands of online jesters.

In the weeks leading up to the deal's completion, Musk posted a series of tweets in which he suggested changes to the platform, more aggressively so after his 9% acquisition of Twitter shares earlier this month.

Among his tweets, the billionaire businessman suggested changes to the platform, such as an open-source algorithm to enhance moderation and a paid version of Twitter, offering a blue tick verification for the user.

Twitter users took to the platform to poke fun at Musk and the deal.

One user, @bocxtop, who amassed over 300 000 likes in 18 hours of posting his tweet, said: "Elon Musk spending $43 billion to stop getting bullied on Twitter when he could've simply been less annoying is insane."

Musk previously lambasted the platform for limiting free speech, one of the fundamental changes expected to be made in the near future. Shortly after the deal was finalised, Musk tweeted: "I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter because that is what free speech means."

Musk's stance on free speech on the platform also drew criticism from sceptics. Berkeley professor and co-founder of Inequality Media, Robert Reich said: "When billionaires like Elon Musk justify their motives by using "freedom," beware. What they actually seek is freedom from accountability."

Despite the mounting criticism for the move, the hours post-the-transaction proved worthy of a laugh, with scores of memes posted in honour of the deal.

We've gathered some of our most hysterical favourites:






