Unlocking job success: how AI can help you land your dream role

Published 4h ago


Momentum Group’s human capital executive, Annette Breetzke, provides insightful advice on how to use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the job search and help many people land their ideal jobs.

For many, the journey to securing a job can be daunting, filled with uncertainties and hurdles that can deter even the most qualified candidates.

Breetzke emphasises the importance of starting with a well-crafted resume, stating: “Getting your CV and cover letter right is crucial in any job seeker’s journey.

“We operate in a sector that requires critical skills, and we want to ensure that the best talent can shine during the recruitment process, which is ultimately good for business and the economy.”

Momentum has also teamed up with Techsys, a Cape Town-based digital marketing agency, to develop an AI platform called ‘Own My CV.’

This tool is specifically designed to help job seekers create better CVs. It is explained that, unlike general AI tools, ‘Own My CV’ focuses on job-specific needs, helping users customise their CVs to match their skills with the role they’re applying for.

It also offers assistance with cover letters and includes a chatbot for further guidance.

Make Interviews Less Daunting

It is also suggested that staying on top of industry trends can make all the difference. Some interviewers might throw in unconventional questions, and being prepared helps you answer these with ease.

“Feedback is often what’s missing during interview preparation,” says Andrew Walmsley, Founder of Techsys Digital.

“The ‘Own My CV’ tool simulates real interviews with relevant questions and gives feedback on your responses, ensuring that you’re ready for that critical first impression.”

Walmsley says in such a competitive market, it is essential to perform well in interviews.

“A candidate might look great on paper, but their performance in an interview is often the deciding factor for an employer.”

Tackle Salary Negotiations

He further highlights that negotiating salary can feel uncomfortable, especially if you have just landed your dream job. Many people fear that negotiating could make them seem less appealing to their potential employer, or they might lack the confidence to start the conversation.

“It provides industry-standard salary information for the role you’re applying for and guides you through the negotiation process. Armed with localised, up-to-date data, you’ll be in a stronger position to negotiate from a place of confidence,” says Walmsley.

The Star