Business Report

Rotary International celebrates 100 years of service with Act4Impact launch

Edwin Lombard|Published

Act4Impact is a call to action for people of all ages to become community changemakers.

Rotary International’s District 9350 gathered inside entrance 2 of the V&A Waterfront to launch their Act4Impact campaign, celebrating 100 years of service. The small group that assembled included Rotarians, friends, associates, and media representatives, where an exhibition showcased the work that the Rotary Club is doing in South Africa, Angola, and Namibia.

Act4Impact is a call to action for people of all ages to become community changemakers.

Act4Impact is a call to action for people of all ages to become community changemakers. The campaign aims to inspire individuals to take action and build a community committed to lasting impact through service. Rotary District 9350 Governor Stephen Young spoke about the passion with which Rotarians are doing their work, stating that the goal is “to inspire others as well.”

James Vos, Mayco member for Economic Growth with David Green, CEO of the V&A Waterfront and Rotary District 9350 Governor, Stephen Young

“We strive to unite people and organisations committed to making a difference, empowering communities, and building a better future,” he said. “The need is so vast that it will take all of us working together—even though our part of it may be small—together we can all make a significant impact,” he added. Referring to the displays, Young said Rotary is about impact and partnerships.

“Rotary has the top rating from Charity Navigator; we use 91% of our funds to implement projects. We account for every cent, and we achieve the outcomes we set out to achieve. We can prove every word of that statement too. We live by the Four Way Test: in the things we think, say, or do, is it the truth, is it fair to all concerned, will it build goodwill and better friendships, and is it beneficial to all concerned? We are unpaid and give our time and expertise for free,” he stated.

James Vos, Mayco member for Economic Growth, thanked Rotary for their incredible service. “I salute you for the tangible difference you continue to make in our communities. Your work in education, business support, and skills development speaks directly to what I am most passionate about: ensuring that Cape Town is a place where people, businesses, and industries don't just survive but thrive.”

At the event, the CEO of the V&A Waterfront, David Green, received a Paul Harris Fellowship for his donations to Rotary International.

Rotary International celebrates 100 years of service with Act4Impact launch