Your job as a voter is to stop giving away your government to the richest bidder. Not every piece of technology is your friend.
Foreign aid is often wrapped up in ideological strangleholds. It has an ownership expectation that extends way beyond the value of the aid.
‘My wish for 2025 is to end the power of privilege. Everywhere around us, we see structural and psychological privilege forced in our faces. ’
‘The year ends with a crisp summary: South Africans are gatvol of whiny, daft, disruptive and doomsday politicians. We have begun to win the battle over the voices ...
‘Look at the Cape Flats, a landscape filled with religious structures, human potential and aid organisations. Yet any predictive data will tell you that its status ...
‘With the latest statistics released by the Department of Police and the Western Cape’s Department of Police Oversight and Community Safety, no child is safe in ...
COLUMN: ‘The rising discomfort of the things we are not saying is seen in the practice of the politics of disdain in South Africa,’ writes Lorenzo A Davids.
‘Global politics has moved beyond the idea that traditional democracies are the place of sensible politics. It has aggressively moved towards a conservative nationalism, ...
Lorenzo A Davids writes that the land of the free and the home of the brave is no more. Overrun by the delusional and fearful, it has sold its soul to megalomaniacs ...
Lorenzo A Davids writes: ‘Watching the 2024 US election campaign is like watching a celebrity roasting. Insults, not policy, flood the content of every election ...
COLUMN: Lorenzo A Davids writes that people want roads fixed, water to drink and bread to eat. They do not have the patience to listen to our million rand-salaried ...
COLUMN: Lorenzo A Davids writes that the ANC, despite the staggering defeat it received in May 2024, appears to be unable to wake up from its comatose state, and ...
COLUMN: ‘The only way out of the Government of National Unity is for parties to start cannibalising each other or being taken over by stealth. No one is leaving ...
COLUMN: Lorenzo A Davids writes that South Africa, post-May 2024, is caught in a proverbial traffic circle where ‘yield to the right’ is the law of the land.
COLUMN: Great democracies are founded upon three well-known established concepts: a just constitution, the rule of law, and a fundamental quality called patience. ...
COLUMN: ‘South Africa is emerging as an interesting case study on how to build a country. Or should that be, how not to build a country?’ asks Lorenzo A Davids
COLUMN: ‘The two senior parties in the GNU have been in constant weekly fights with each other. From Tshwane to the Bela Bill to cadre deployment, tensions are loading ...
COLUMN: ‘. . . It is now time for black people to tear up the white permission slip by which they are authorised to live, speak and participate. It is now time for ...
COLUMN: ‘After Friday’s signing of the Western Cape Co-operations Agreement for Safety and Policing and the release of the latest crime statistics, we are left with ...
South Africa is drifting into a dangerous period. Wearing large blinkers dished out by politicians and experiencing the relief of having survived a collapsed parliament, ...
‘The ANC under President Ramaphosa has no real centre of power any more. Factional loyalties are destroying it from the inside. For Zuma, MK is the ideal vehicle ...
#AnotherVoice: ‘Caught up in a culture of three-word dramatic headlines, 10-second sound bites, two-minute interviews and a discombobulation of long-form writing, ...
“The ANC appears to have given up all desire to govern, relishing rather in talk shops and the relief that some of its cadres still have jobs. ”
Lorenzo A Davids writes that the litmus test on the well-being of the Government of National Unity is to monitor the relationship between Sihle Zikalala and Dean ...
‘In his Opening of Parliament Address last week, the President repeated several unfulfilled promises contained in his previous State of the Nation Addresses. The ...