On the title for the book, Professor Williams referred to it as a celebration that peace and love have the capacity to overpower violence and war. Picture: Shakirah Thebus
Cape Town - “Flowers consume war”, the latest and eighth poetry anthology by Professor Brian Williams has been referred to as a timely offering.
The official launch of the poetry book took place at the Old Mutual Auditorium, Pinelands, on Saturday.
On the title for the book, Professor Williams referred to it as a celebration that peace and love have the capacity to overpower violence and war.
“Poetry has therapeutic value. During the resistance against apartheid, I wrote poetry as part of my own healing from the pain of oppression,” Williams said.
Professor Williams’ previous poetry books include Voices Awakened (2016); Daughters of the First (2015); Five eternal suns (2015); One renaissance, many revolutions; (2008 revised, first published 2003); The Seventh Whisper (1996); Scattered Reflections (1994); and The Wounded Spear Rises (1989).
His inaugural poetry collection, The Wounded Spear Rises, received an international award from an American Awards Committee.
Chairing the Committee was Professor Dennis Brutus, an award-winning poet and professor of English Literature and activist who served time on Robben Island.
Founding President of the Progressive Principals Association, former principal of Spine Road High and Western Cape Education Council Chair, Riyaadh Najaar recommended that all school libraries should have a copy of Flowers consume war.
“The eighth anthology of Professor Brian Williams is a must-read for all and is his magnum opus. His anthology is a breath of fresh air for all who have an interest in poetry, Najaar said.
“The essence of peace as opposed to war is the theme of his work in the anthology. It is so relevant in today’s turbulent world filled with the decimation of human lives.
We would like to applaud Professor Brian Williams on reminding through this anthology the importance of love as opposed to the devastation caused by war.”
Chief Executive of Artistic Author Solutions, Patrick Kadalie said: “The book launch event was significantly different to any other book launch I have attended, a testimony to Prof.
Williams work, where the power of poetry is used as a force for good in society, critical thinking and creative thinking that leads to real innovation.
“Professor Brian Williams poetry speaks to our spirit, speaks to our passion, speaks to who we are as people and as a result of that we can multiply our strengths.”
For more information, visit www.flowersconsumewar.co.za
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