Business Report

Gordon’s Bay Lions Club Christmas cakes

Staff Reporter|Published

Buy a delicious Christmas cake, and support Gordon’s Bay Lions Club projects in the community. PICTURE: KARL SCHOEMAKER

Buy a delicious Christmas cake, and support Gordon’s Bay Lions Club projects in the community. PICTURE: KARL SCHOEMAKER

The Lions Club Christmas cakes initiative has been a major fundraising project of Lions Clubs in South Africa since 1975.

The much-loved traditional cakes are sold locally by the Gordon's Bay Lions Club, and are filled with the rich blend of spices, fruits and nuts.

The Christmas cake weighs 1kg, it is alcohol-free and costs R170, which is competitively priced compared to other Christmas cakes available at shops.

When you buy a Christmas Cake for yourself or as a gift, you are also contributing to service projects in the local community, and 100% of the money raised by Lions Clubs is used to finance projects in the community.

Order your cakes and contact the Gordon’s Bay Lions Club on 081 341 0980. They are also available at the Charity Chest, 2 Waterway, Gordon’s Bay, Tuesday to Friday, from noon to 5pm, and on Saturday, from 8.30am to 12.30pm.