Visitors to last year’s event at the Strand Town Hall.
After the very encouraging response to the U3A Open Day in January 2024, U3A Helderberg has arranged for a 2025 Open Day to take place on Wednesday January 22, at the Strand Town Hall, for the benefit of members and any interested parties from the general public.
From 10am to 11am, the group and course leaders will be on hand to inform Open Day visitors about the activities of the various groups.
Photographs, records of excursions, examples of material covered and other evidence of activities successfully undertaken will be on display at the tables assigned to each of the groups.
Visitors will be able to see first-hand the extent of the activities on offer as well as ask questions, make suggestions and generally interact with those who run the various groups and courses, and with the U3A committee members.
So if you have been wondering what 2025 may have in store for you, you can consider joining U3A (if you are not yet a member), or you may enrich your membership by expanding your participation in the activities of this organisation.
Activities currently on offer span interests as diverse as art and crafts, travel, theatre, French and German conversation, book clubs, penmanship, a monthly quiz, a film club, environmental matters, gardening, hiking, finances, bridge, chess and scrabble, as well as different ‘meet and eat/drink’ groups.
General meetings, addressed by excellent presenters on various topics, are held on the first Wednesday of the month, at 10am, at the Strand Town Hall.
Membership is R90 for 2025. For more information, visit the website at