Business leaders, politicians, City officials, and influencers will spend a night on the street to raise funds for the homeless.
The public are being invited to sleep rough for a night as part of a fund-raising drive by U-turn, a non-profit organisation that helps the homeless.
The fund-raiser, called A Night on the Street, will see business leaders, politicians, City officials and influencers spend a night sleeping on the pavement in Main Road, Claremont, on Saturday May 18. And the public can buy tickets and spend the night in their backyards, businesses or school grounds, documenting their experiences on social media using the hashtag #anightonthestreets
U-turn spokesperson Valerie Govender says the initiative is about shedding light on a pressing issue and raising funds for U-turn’s efforts, including buying blankets and canned food, ahead of winter.
“Homelessness is a growing scourge in our country, and it's crucial that we come together as a community to address it,” she said.
Pupils at Capriccio Private School in Milnerton will be among those joining the campaign on Saturday May 18.
“This campaign presents an invaluable opportunity for our students to not only learn about an important social issue but also to actively contribute towards its alleviation," said principal Rosina Lee-Warden.
Claremont Improvement District Company executive manager Abdul Kerbelker and some of his colleagues will participate.
“It is a very important initiative at the cusp of winter and deepening socio – economic challenges for the poor that we create awareness on the plight of homelessness and the organisations who assist the homeless to deal with the challenges of poverty and homelessness,” he said.
Tickets cost R50 and can be bought on Quicket. Email or call 021 674 6119 for more information.
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