U-Turn need mattresses and sleeping bags to set up the temporary shelters in Kenilworth, similar to how their shelter look like in Claremont which is pictured here.
U-Turn Ministries have opened up temporary homeless shelters at Christ Church in Kenilworth and at their transitional house in Kenilworth today, Tuesday July 9, while the city is experiencing severe storms.
U-Turn spokesperson Valerie Govender says that the storm has led to a drastic increase in clients seeking shelter at their Homeless Support Centres, which led them to provide emergency assistance.
Ms Govender says they had to set up beds at both locations. Thirty beds will be set up at Christ Church and another 30 beds will be set up at the transitional house that is owned by U-Turn.
“It is incredibly cold and wet, and the wind is making it unbearable to find refuge on the cold street. The makeshift tents and thin plastic that usually provides warmth is useless,” she says.
“It is incredibly cold and wet, and the wind is making it unbearable to find refuge on the cold street. The makeshift tents and thin plastic that usually provides warmth is useless,” she says.
Ms Govender says they have partnered with Christ Church to provide emergency shelter for those surviving on the streets.
“We are appealing to the community to assist us by dropping off blankets, sleeping bags, canned food and thin mattresses to help provide more safe space beds during this storm which started today,” she says
Ms Govender has appealed to the public that if they see any homeless people in need they can direct them to the U-Turn Service centre located on the corner of Hawthorne Street and Claremont Boulevard, Claremont. Each person who comes there will receive a shower and a warm meal and they will be transported to the designated shelter.
Ms Govender says this temporary shelter will be for the next week, while they monitor the weather, though they say they will still continue helping the homeless who seek to receive holistic support in trying to leave life on the street.
Christ Church Operations manager, Hannes Myburgh says they have a long-standing relationship with U-Turn.
“We feel the need to help where we can and we trust in U-Turn to help the most vulnerable,” he says. Mr Myburgh says they will also appeal to their church members to assist in collecting mattresses, blankets, clothing and tin food.
Ms Govender says that all donations can be dropped off at the U-Turn head office at 155 Second Avenue, Kenilworth where they will be open until 9pm for the next four nights to receive your donations.
If anyone would like to make a monetary donation they can visit https://homeless.org.za/winter/
You can also call their office on 021 674 6119 or email valerie.govender@homeless.org.za