Friends of Valkenberg Trust founding member Francis Robertson cuts the ribbon to open the newly revamped Friendly Shop while her husband and fellow founding member, Professor Brian Robertson, left, looks on.
A shop that offers support for patients at Valkenberg psychiatric hospital in Observatory has been given a revamp.
The new-look Friendly Shop, run by Friends of Valkenberg Trust, was unveiled to some 20 guests, including hospital staff and donors, on Monday.
The shop has new flooring and wall tiles, a new layout and lounge area with a coffee machine and new plumbing and roofing, among other changes.
The job was done for under R200 000 with support from various donors, according to the trust’s director, Soraya Solomon.
The trust marks its 30th anniversary this year while the shop has been around for 22 years.
“This space is created for staff, family members and patients to enjoy and relax,” said Ms Solomon.
The trust, which trains patients to work in the shop, provides patients with therapeutic support, aiding their reintegration into the community, according to hospital CEO Charlyn Goliath.
“We have a big focus on wellbeing and this place will work towards that.”
The shop is open to the public Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm.
To raise funds, the trust is selling boxes of mosaic tiles for R350 each. The patients will use the tiles to create a 1 metre x 1 metre Tree of Recovery mural on the wall outside the trust’s office. The buyer of the tiles can also leave a note of encouragement for the patients. For details, email or call Gail Henry at 082 822 8990.