Khayelitsha Sub-district commissioner, Mnonelo Magobiyane, officially opens the new victim support room at the station.
Khayelitsha police station unveiled its new victim support room last week.
The room will provide a safe space for victims of crime, including gender-based violence, child abuse, sexual offences and domestic violence.
The station’s previous victim support room did not provide a conducive environment for those using it.
Victims reporting a crime at the station will now be taken to a much more private space where their statements will be taken in a non-threatening environment.
Khayelitsha Sub-district commissioner, Mnonelo Magobiyane said previously the station had a room that did not meet the required standards of a victim support room.
He said the station was thankful for the donation they received from the province to build a decent victim support room.
He said the newly-built room aims to provide emotional support, practical assistance, referrals to professional support services and information on victims’ rights.
It is not a shelter or place of safety, but victims will receive support and transport to a shelter if required, he said.
“Victims will be treated with dignity and respect, ensuring that their rights are protected and empowering them while preventing secondary victimisation. I hope that the dignity of the victims will be restored. I hope that the room encourages the community at large to report cases of missing children and it will be open 24/7. I feel happy that there is room because many people turned back due to lack of privacy in the previous room, especially men because they do not want to be seen as weak and fragile. I think we will get the genuine cases now since we have a proper room and we will make use of our social workers and the spiritual crime prevention and other stakeholders which support the station and these services,” he said.
Khayelitsha police station community policing forum (CPF) chairman, Monde Bambelo, said they consider the room as the first step of healing for the victims.
He said they applaud this initiative because the previous room was not conducive for the victims. He called on the victims to feel free to use such services and know that it is meant for them.
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