Pictured in front, from left, are Mualimmah Marwa Elbadrawy, Sayyidah Madiha Mohamed, Ayesha Naidoo, Hafsah Elias, Tauheerah Bibi Carrim and Bilqees Ahmad. At back is the principal of CTIEC, Moulana Sayed Imraan Ziyaee.
The Cape Town Islamic Educational Centre (CTIEC) in Eagle Park celebrated last Tuesday, September 24, as four young women completed memorising the entire Holy Qur’an.
“The Qur’an, the religious book of Muslims, is a sacred text consisting of more than 600 pages and 114 chapters, all in the Arabic language. The journey of memorising the Qur’an, also known as Hifz, is a challenging and time-consuming task that requires unwavering dedication and disciplined effort,” said Sayed Ridhwaan Mohamed, spokesperson for CTIEC.
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