Business Report

Market day


Hundreds of people came to the Western Cape Cerebral Palsy Association’s market day held at the Village Work Centre in Harfield Village on Saturday November 9. Entertainment was provided by the Cultural Rhythms group from Goodwood and the College of Magic from Claremont. From left are Village Work Centre employees Mpula Legodi, Saarah Charles, Caitlin Williams and Bronwin Arendse.

Residents and staff from the Rosedon House non-profit from Rondebosch East attended the market day.
From left, are magicians Justine Williamson, Vuyolwethu Gela, Sisonke Mkwela and Lithemba Mti from the College of Magic.
Regina Kamfer, from Grassy Park, with her grandchildren, Rylee Kamfer, left, and Carmesha Moosa.
Shan-cario Moosa, from Grassy Park, left, and Sage van der Lilly, from Retreat, at the jumping castle.
From left are Village Work Centre employees Aviwe Jamke, Bukho Kota and Iuga Ntshidi.