Yeboneers of the Scouting in Schools programme at Parkhurst are nurturing the talents and passions of Grade 4 to 6 pupils at the school. Pictured standing, from left, are Yeboneer Isah Van der Merwe, Leia Pereira, Jemma Peters, Scarlett Petersen and Blake Snell. Kneeling in front are Ameera Nell and Azrah Davids.
Non-profit organisation Afterschool Alliance hosted a Lights on Afterschool event at Parkhurst Primary in Westridge to emphasise the value of after-school programmes and acknowledge the efforts of the Yeboneers volunteers of its Scouting in Schools programme.
“Lights On Afterschool is a national event that celebrates after-school programmes and their importance to children, families, and communities,” said Isah van der Merwe, a Yeboneer volunteer at Parkhurst Primary.
“It highlights the need for after-school care and activities, and the positive impact these have on children's development.
“This year's theme is ‘Building strong foundation’ and recognising how school programmes lay the groundwork for our learners’ future success,” said Ms Van der Merwe.
The Afterschool Alliance works to ensure all children have access to quality, affordable after-school programmes.
“The after-school programmes lead to improved social skills, attitudes and feelings towards school. It brings about improvements in intrinsic motivation, concentrated effort, and positive states of mind.
“The children get to know more about nature, sand survival and leadership skills,” Ms Van der Merwe said.
About 60 Grade 4 to 6 pupils are currently taking part in Parkhurst Primary’s Scouting in Schools after-school programme, coordinated by Ms Van der Merwe and fellow Yeboneers Warries and Logan Carolus.
Ms Van der Merwe said the programme is essential to developing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills to prepare pupils for the future.
“Scouting is fun with a purpose, directed towards helping young boys and girls become happy, healthy, useful citizens. Through recreation, scouting achieves its purpose of helping young people develop physically, intellectually, socially, and spiritually.
“It is all about building confidence and self-esteem, learning important life and leadership skills, team building, outdoor adventure, education, and fun.
“My role as a Yeboneer is to teach learners basic life skills, nature and survival and leadership skills,” she said.
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