Matrics to write Mathematics Paper 2

Matrics will be writing Mathematics Paper 2 to start off the third week of their National Senior Certificate examinations. Filed Photo.

Matrics will be writing Mathematics Paper 2 to start off the third week of their National Senior Certificate examinations. Filed Photo.

Published Nov 16, 2020


Matrics will be writing Mathematics Paper 2 to start off the third week of their National Senior Certificate examinations.

On Friday , grade 12 pupils will be writing Mathematics Paper 2 and Technical Maths Paper 2 at 9am. While at 2pm they are expected to write Mathematics Literacy Paper 2.

The Mathematics exam papers will be written in a 3 hour duration.

The Class of 2020 were disadvantaged by the Coronavirus pandemic which brought on a national lockdown, imposed on March 27, resulting in them losing over four months in their academic year.

On Tuesday they are expected to write English Paper 2 which is based on literature.

On Thursday they wrote their first Maths paper.

On Wednesday the grade 12s wrote Economics Paper and other language papers.

Exams are expected to end on December 15th.

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