Not happy with your matric results, here’s how you can improve them

MATRIC pupils who would like to improve their National Senior Certificate exam results can apply to write supplementary exams in June 2021. Picture: Masi Losi

MATRIC pupils who would like to improve their National Senior Certificate exam results can apply to write supplementary exams in June 2021. Picture: Masi Losi

Published Feb 23, 2021


THERE is nothing more disappointing than not getting the matric results you had hoped for after putting in so much hard work and effort. But don’[t give up as there is an opportunity for you to improve your results by applying for a rewrite.

The Class of 2020 matric qualifies to write a second national exam (previously called supplementary exams) in the year immediately after your matric final.

Supplementary exams are open to those who have not passed matric, or candidates who did not satisfy the requirements for their certificates. It gives a second chance for matric pupils to get their matric certificates.

It also gives candidates who could not attend or finish the examination (for medical reasons or a death in the family, for example) a chance to do so. Those who had irregularities that were being investigated can also apply to write the supplementary exam.

All second national exams (for supplementary exams and amended Senior Certificate exams) will now be written in May/June 2021.

How to apply for a supplementary exam:

You can register for the supplementary exams online at or at your nearest education District odffice. To use the new e-Government portal, you need to register with a username and password.

Applications close on March 12, 2021.

The National Senior Certificate exam results were released on February 23. The Department of Basic Education advised those who would like to rewrite the exam to apply immediately after getting their results to avoid delays or issues with the registration process.