HERITAGE Stories: Brian Sango

Published Oct 3, 2020


Our heritage – the way we grow up and the homes that we live in – often influence the property decisions we make in our futures. Things we loved about our childhood and family homes will probably be carried through into our own homes and families one day, while those we did not enjoy will be avoided. We asked

Brian Sango, Partner/Head of Operations at Property Made Easy

, how his home and ideas about property have been influenced by his heritage and how he honours his roots in his adult life.

What lessons have you learned about property from your parents/ grandparents?

One key lesson I learnt from my parents growing up in Zimbabwe was that your property is your home and safe haven. Therefore, making one’s property as comfortable and welcoming as can be has always been the goal.

Also, as with any other African household, family is a big thing for us, so having enough space to be able to accommodate relatives has always been essential. And, aside from room for the extended family, having a cottage that we could rent out to tenants was always a need.

This was a good way of generating income which helped us get by. Our tenants became part of the family and joined us often for dinner or just weekend barbeques as we always strove to make it a home for all.

The vital lessons my parents taught me have helped me not only shape a successful career in real estate but also build an income-generating property portfolio.

"My parents’ goal was to make the property as comfortable as possible. Also, family is a big thing, so there had to be enough space to accommodate relatives. And there had to be a cottage that could be let for extra income. "

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How has your family home/the home you grew up in influenced the type of property you live in or want to live in?

My father was a civil engineer, so our family home was built from scratch from building plans he designed and drew up. Thanks to this, we have always been a family that creates spaces we feel at home in. In my rental property, I too have made adjustments to ensure that it is close to perfection for me.

Whether it’s a lick of paint or just a re-arrangement of cabinets, making a space mine is such a fulfilling achievement.

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