Q: My adult children and my grandchildren live in a different town to me.

Published Oct 26, 2020


I love and miss them and want to live close to them. But I also have friends in the area I live. Should I move into a village/ home in my area or where my family are?

A:We always caution about following your children as they have their own lives and may uproot and move on, leaving you stranded in an area where you do not have friends. However, any reputable mature-lifestyle village will facilitate a community lifestyle where one makes many new friends.

– Phil Barker, managing director of Renishaw Hills

A:The old adage is “Never follow your children”, and the reason is that while you have limited income and may be able to move once to their town, their lives are just getting started and they will most likely move several times over the years. Better to arrange visits and establish yourself in a community that is stable and where you can set down some roots, earn some money and practise some pastimes, sports and hobbies.

– Rob Jones, retirement-living consultant to The Somerset Lifestyle and Retirement Village

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